Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption

They Suffered in Silence, Their Cries Unheard — Until Now

Last week, Save-A-Pet rescued more starving, neglected dogs — not one, not two, not three — but four dogs left abandoned without food and starved for over two weeks. 

On sovereign land where law enforcement agencies are restricted, we were called to aid four Pit Bulls once used for breeding. Left outside year round in their steel prisons with no socialization, no love, and now — no food. Apparently the owner left the state months ago and no one has been caring for them for over two weeks. If not for the snow that piled high and melted, they would have dehydrated and died. 

With open sores and skin and bones they greeted us, astonishingly with wagging tails. Filthy pens covered with feces were their “homes." We were too late for one beautiful male. A local, so-called “breeder” took him when he heard something was up and we were arriving.  We are doing our best to try and rescue him as well. Hopefully, we are not too late.

All four dogs were brought to Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue in Port Jefferson Station, NY and were examined by the veterinarian. Blood tests confirmed one case of heartworm. All are riddled with internal parasites and external sores. They are being

treated for whipworm, hookworm, roundworm, giardia, coccidia and tapeworm. Fortunately, the female we thought could be pregnant was not.  

Every day they are healing and we are seeing the light come back into their eyes. Soon, they will all be ready for a loving, forever home that they truly deserve.

They are the voiceless — the animals that live behind the scenes of a cold, cruel world. Subjected to exploitation and used as cash crops for ill-gotten gains. But for this “Fab Four," the future is finally filled with hope. Remember, if you see something, say something…it could be a matter of life and death. Together we save them!

We still need funds for their treatment. Please help Save-A-Pet care for these beautiful, neglected dogs. It's not too late! Call 631.473.6333 or visit to make a donation today!

Dori Scofield
Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue & Adoption Center

Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue | 608 Route 112 | Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 | 631.473.6333 | forward to a friend | unsubscribe