Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption

How Would You Like to
Reach Hundreds of Pet Owners and Animal Lovers in One Day?

It's easy. Just sign on to be a vendor at Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption Center, Inc.'s 14th Annual "Hounds on the Sound," a 3K dog walk and adoption event/fundraiser in scenic Port Jefferson on Sunday, June 9th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The day will be filled with live music, food, pet vendors, contests, raffles, and prizes. Come meet the animals for adoption from Save-A-Pet and spend time with pet owners and animal lovers from all over Long Island!

The vendor fee is only $50. Pet products or pet-related services only, please.

To sign on as a vendor, please click here.

To register for the event, please click here.

For more information, please call Save-A-Pet at or visit

How You Can Help Save-A-Pet

Help Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption Center shelter a dog or cat until he/she is adopted. $50.00 will spay/neuter a stray cat, $75.00 will help rescue a dog, and $100.00 will provide needed surgeries. 100% of the donations go directly to the animals and are tax deductible. Payments are secure and you will truly make a difference in the life of a shelter animal on Long Island.

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