Save-A-Pet Asks Animal Owners to Remember Their Deceased Pets during World Animal Remembrance Month
Save-A-Pet Animal Rescue and Adoption Center, Inc. is reminding pet owners who have lost a beloved pet that September is World Animal Remembrance Month.
The PALS Foundation, a California-based humane society and shelter, created World Animal Remembrance Month as a way to pay tribute to animals that serve as pets
and companions, as well as victims of animal abuse or animals killed in the line of duty.
Save-A-Pet is currently offering its "Buy-A-Brick" program, which allows them to memorialize a pet that has passed on. The bricks will become part of Save-A-Pet's
"Walk of Hope," a beautiful brick walkway dedicated to Waldo, a Mastiff adopted by the shelter that has since passed away.
The bricks come in different sizes and can include a personal message and picture carved into stone. All proceeds will go to benefit the nonprofit shelter and
their mission.
"Losing a pet is just as devastating as losing a family member," Dori Scofield, president and founder of Save-A-Pet, said. "The Buy-A-Brick program is the
perfect way to commemorate your pet while supporting our shelter and its homeless companion animals."
For more information or to purchase a brick, please call or visit